Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wishful thinking?

(From Zach Weiner's webcomic, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal)

¡Ojalá! If only it were so.

And, speaking of comics, did this morning's Chicago Sun-Times carry yesterday's comics -- or am I stuck in some sort of temporal loop?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remember 9/11... and 9/25?

Zay N. Smith strikes a very appropriate note in yesterday's QT:
News Headline: "Remembering 9/11—Let us never forget."
And here is something we should do after we remember 9/11:
We should remember 9/25.
It was on that day, in Los Angeles, two weeks after the attack, that a German surgeon in a Jewish hospital performed a kidney transplant from a white Muslim woman to a black Christian man.
It was routine surgery.
Remember 9/25, too.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cartoon brief does not carry the day but fires the imagination

Attorney Bob Kohn wanted to file a 55 page amicus brief in the case of USA v. Apple, Inc., in the Southern District of New York. He was opposed to the government's proposed antitrust settlement with three publishers of e-books. U.S. District Court Judge Denise Cote limited him to five.

Mr. Kohn came up with a creative way of making his point in those five pages; he made his point in comic book form. (Debra Cassens Weiss provides additional background in a post on ABA Journal Law News Now.)

While Lowering the Bar may go too far in suggesting that All Briefs Should Now Be in Comic Book Form, I suspect this brief brief may inspire some imitators.*

Here are the actual cartoon pages (click to enlarge any page; if this proves insufficient, the entire brief, with appropriate table of authorities, may be found can be accessed by clicking here):

* Note to would-be imitators: According to the ABA site, Judge Cote rejected Mr. Kohn's arguments and approved the proposed settlement. My thanks to Lynn Dowd for sending me the brief.