Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Judge John Griffin on judicial elections

Judge John Griffin Explains Judicial Elections from Alan Cottrell on Vimeo.

My thanks to Mr. Cottrell for permission to post the video -- and to Judge Griffin for the plug he gave this blog in the course of his talk.

For more on Cook County judicial races, see page one of this blog.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yehuda P. Lebovits appearance on NTNM

Yehuda P. Lebovits' appearance on North Town News Magazine is provided courtesy of Avy Meyers. Lebovitz is a candidate for the Otaka vacancy in Cook County's Ninth Judicial Subcircuit.

For more on Cook County judicial races, turn to Page One of this blog.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

You'd better watch out....

(From the comic Bizarro. This image obtained from
the Houston
Chronicle website, but Bizarro also appears
in the Chicago

Santa Claus has gone high-tech.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Abbey Fishman Romanek appearance on NTNM

Abbey Fishman Romanek's appearance on North Town News Magazine is provided courtesy of Avy Meyers. Romanek is a candidate for the Otaka vacancy in Cook County's Ninth Judicial Subcircuit.

Judge Thomas V. Lyons appearance on NTNM

Judge Thomas V. Lyons' appearance on North Town News Magazine is provided courtesy of Avy Meyers. Judge Lyons is the only remaining candidate for the countywide O'Malley vacancy on the Cook County Circuit Court.

Friday, December 18, 2009

PCC NET TV interview of Wilson, Hooks & Gray

From PCC NET TV. I've figured out how to size YouTube videos to fit this page (mainly because it's not hard), but I'm afraid I was not able to figure out how to size this one.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Edmund Paul Michalowski appearance on NTNM

Edmund Paul Michalowski's appearance on North Town News Magazine is provided courtesy of Avy Meyers. Micahlowski is a candidate for the countywide Riley vacancy on the Cook County Circuit Court.

Diann K. Marsalek appearance on NTNM

Diann K. Marsalek's appearance on North Town News Magazine is provided courtesy of Avy Meyers. Marsalek is a candidate for the countywide Bronstein vacancy on the Cook County Circuit Court.

Judge James R. Epstein appearance on NTNM

Judge James R. Epstein's appearance on North Town News Magazine is provided courtesy of Avy Meyers. Judge Epstein is a candidate for the McNulty vacancy on the Illinois Appellate Court, First District.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Seattle divorce lawyer's holiday commercial?

I saw this online this afternoon and I'm really, really hoping that this is a comedy bit. IF that's what it is, it's kind of funny... assuming that, like me, you don't take reflexive umbrage at lawyer jokes.

On the site where I saw it, however, this was presented as an actual lawyer's TV ad.

This one, if it really is a commercial, would make the "Life's too short - get a divorce" billboard campaign of a couple years back look all warm and fuzzy by comparison.

Remember that one?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tribute to recovering lawyer on comics page

(FoxTrot comic obtained from Yahoo! News. Click to enlarge.)

Bill Armend's FoxTrot strip today was a groan-inducing valentine to Stephan Pastis, the creator of "Pearls Before Swine." Pearls Sunday strips are often elaborate set-ups with painful pun payoffs. Today's strip is no exception:

(Pearls Before Swine comic also obtained
from Yahoo! News. Click to enlarge.)

Oh... the reference to the "recovering lawyer" in the title of this post? According to Wikipedia, Stephan Pastis was "a litigation attorney in the San Francisco Bay area" from 1993 until August 2002. "Pearls Before Swine" launched in syndication at the end of 2001, "and is still one of the fastest growing comic strips, appearing in more than 450 newspapers worldwide and counting."

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Overheard in Cook County

At the suggestion of Kulmeet Galhotra, I've become a "fan" of a Facebook page, Overheard in Cook County. It turns out there's a Blogger version, too, called On the Record in Cook County. I've added a link to that site on Page One, in the Sidebar, under "Just for Fun/ Recommended Reading."

What will you find if you visit either of these sites? Well, put it this way: If Art Linkletter had named these pages, he might have called them, "Witnesses say the Darndest Things."