According to that web site, Be Kind to Lawyers Day is the brainchild of Steven Hughes, a non-lawyer from St. Louis. The web site explains:
[Hughes] had been working with attorneys for several years in the presentation and rainmaking arena. He liked his job and the clients who hired him.This is a very nice idea and, even if it's too late today for extensive celebration, I hope you start making big plans right now for April 10, 2012.
However, whenever Steve mentioned to friends and neighbors that he worked with lawyers he was met with crinkled up faces, snide remarks and sarcastic sighs. They would say things like, "Lawyers? I bet that's a treat." Or, "Lawyers? You poor thing." (Can't you just feel the animosity?) Suddenly he found himself playing defense counsel for an entire profession.
Then one day as Steve was putting away the decorations from National Bubble Wrap Day (late January) his thoughts drifted to National Ice Cream Day (late July) and then it struck him. Why not a special day for lawyers? Lawyers are just as good as bubble wrap and ice cream, in fact, they're better. Thus, the idea for NATIONAL BE KIND TO LAWYERS DAY was hatched.
After extensive planning, detailed research and countless reviews by a team of legal experts, NATIONAL BE KIND TO LAWYERS DAY was established as an annual holiday celebrated on the second Tuesday in April. This date was chosen because it is strategically sandwiched between April Fool's Day and U.S. Tax Day on April 15th.

Although... bubble wrap is pretty cool, too.... (Go ahead... click on the link. You know you want to....)
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