Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More candidate responses to ICJL questionnaires

For an earlier post regarding candidate responses to ICJL questionnaires, click here.

More candidate responses have been linked on by the Illinois Civil Justice League.

Questionnaire responses from Supreme Court Justice Mary Jane Theis (campaigning for a full term on the court) have now been posted, as have responses from Appellate Court candidates Kay Marie Hanlon and James M. McGing(both candidates for the Cahill vacancy).

New responses have also been posted from countywide candidates Karen Lynn O'Malley (Conlon vacancy), Kevin Cunningham (Kinnaird vacancy), Cynthia Ramirez (O'Brien vacancy), Gerald V. Cleary (O'Brien vacancy), Kevin W. Horan (O'Mara Frossard vacancy), and Edward J. Maloney (Pucinski vacancy).

Subcircuit canditates who have had responses posted recently on the site include Karen Elizabeth Swanson (4th Subcircuit - "A" vacancy), Julie Line Bailey (4th Subcircuit - "A" vacancy), Gregory Emmett Ahern, Jr. (6th Subcircuit - Delgado vacancy), James L. Kaplan (8th Subcircuit - Cole vacancy), Sharon Finnegan Patterson (8th Subcircuit - Roy vacancy), Michael Ian Bender (9th Subcircuit - Bender vacancy), and Ketki "Kay" Steffen (13th Subcircuit - Pietrucha vacancy).

The ICJL site notes that additional candidate responses are still coming in and more will be posted soon. Check here or for new candidate responses.

1 comment:

jaylen watkins said...

Thanks for this excellent post.